About Me
Hello! Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet. I'm Kayla Hill and I'm a natural light, lifestyle, family, & wedding photographer. I'm based out of Birmingham Al. I'm a wife & mother to five handsome boys. I like to call them the J5. They are truly my heart and I'm so blessed to have them. Moreover, photography is more than a hobby or my job, it's my passion. Photography have always been something I wanted to do as a little girl. I always found myself dazed in on a picture that was taken or observing other photographers. About 8 years ago now, I decided to venture out and haven't stop shooting since. I enjoy all aspects of photography and just love what I do. Because my focus is so big on meeting the clients needs, I have gained experience with: maternity, newborns, children, family, seniors, and special events. I'm known as the one stop shop, enjoying capturing the moments of families to create memories for a lifetime.